There are five CKD stages starting from the very first mild stage, also called stage 1 to stage 5, which is complete kidney failure. The stages are judged by how efficient processing your kidney shows in filtering out waste from your blood. CKD Stages, also known as Chronic Kidney Disease, happens when a kidney or both in
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A kidney problem – some, when discovering that they are suffering from a health disease related to kidney, start looking for different ways through which they can get rid of diseases. Some visits, the best nephrologist in Hyderabad like Dr.B.Vijay Kiran who is famous for being one of the most reputed kidney doctors, have healed
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There are many infectious viruses and bacteria roaming in the world and they are so minimal that it is impossible to see them with the naked eyes. Because of our unhealthy diet, and imbalanced routine there are many types of diseases that live inside us. We, unfortunately, neglect them even after knowing that what it
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